While ChatGPT is turning the entire world upside down, it cannot but bring changes to the work of researchers. Everybody must have heard about numerous issues with AI and concerns about ethics and transparency of using non-human tools for writing and creative work. Still, can ChatGPT serve as a valuable asset for researchers, not the means of destruction and deception? What are the benefits every researcher can make from using it? At the same time, what are the key risks of introducing artificial intelligence into science? Let’s discuss whether ...
Ethics of AI Wherever you are, you have access to any digital technologies and huge amounts of information about anything in the world. This cannot but change the society and reshape what people used to do and how they used to so that. Everything has changed, including human interaction, social relations, and personal attachments. Moral reasoning which used to be more or less stable has transformed, affecting the relationships between the family members, friends, peers, clients, employees and employers, consumers and suppliers, and so on and so ...
Can everyone do writing? Yes, for sure! Will the level of that writing be always high? Not really. You have to be creative and critical in your thinking to sound truly original in your texts. Have you got an ability to come up with outstanding thoughts to entertain others, communicate a new message, or get brilliant solutions to the problems? You may say that you are not a musician, artist, or poet to be creative. Still, it is a skill that you can find to be useful in all spheres, and writing is only one of them. Let’s start with writing content ...
There has been a pandemic of plagiarism in politics lately! A lot of public figures in the United States, the UK, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, and other countries of the world here and there are discovered to copy-paste content in their dissertations and theses. There are a lot of eyebrow-raising cases of plagiarism and the news agencies use them for the headlines that draw everyone’s attention. Still, who has ever heard about the action taken by the universities to raise special concern or address the issues? In most cases, schools keep ...
What is footnote and endnote? Are they the same or different? Where do they appear in the text? What is the purpose of a footnote or an endnote? Are they common for academic and research papers? What are the limiting factors in their use? Which of them are accessible? Is there the right answer in choosing the style of inserting notes into the papers? You will get all the answers from our guide, but you will gain more understanding when you get more experience in writing and analyze your personal preferences as well. Footnote vs. Endnote: Are They ...
COVID has created an absolutely new reality with previously unknown rules and approaches to everything, including education. Along with its threats and inconveniences, it has also brought us understanding that things can be different from what they used to be. Under the circumstances when in-person workflows become less and less possible, digital solutions come to the foreground. Hybrid learning and even return to in-person education do not imply any change in the value of digital workflows. A digital workflow is a tool that can make much better ...
There is hardly anyone who has not seen national headlines in newspapers about shocking cases of cheating in schools. How can it happen that in the 21st century the students make such stupid mistakes? How can elite schools allow that to happen? What is going on in the system of national education? Don’t the students know about the principles of academic integrity? Is the issue caused by low level of awareness among the students or their improper attitude to academic tasks? It seems to be a minor question, but the answer actually determines which ...
Is there any more severe sin than plagiarizing today? Everyone somehow related to writing is scared of making a mistake that may lead to plagiarism. It is almost a phobia in the students as an accusation in copying the ideas may even result in falling into a trap and expulsion from school. For sure, such services as ThePlagiarism.com give an excellent solution to the problem. A quick scanning of the text gives a result that definitely shows whether it is original. Using it, you will always know if there is any reason to fear. Still, keeping in mind ...
Everything changes so fast. Posting some content online, a writer cannot leave it as it is for years as it happens with articles, books, and news. You could have believed that updating your old content is not an important matter; however, nowadays, it is crucial to give new life to the content no matter how brilliant it is. It is a trick of successful online publications and those website owners aware of it can maintain the interest of their followers. With the expansion of the target audience, the new followers have no idea of the previously published ...
There is hardly anything more essential in the life of students than a reliable plagiarism detection tool they can use for their assignments and research papers. Still, if you are a blogger, it is also crucial to be sure that there is no duplication in the content of the posts; otherwise, the blogs will have a ruining impact on your career. For sure, a businessman with a website of his company will also care about the originality of its content, paying special attention to the choice of a plagiarism checker. So, if it is so important to make the right ...