We do not promise the lowest prices, we insist you to go and check for yourself. If you are satisfied by our offer we will gladly meet you here to satisfy all your plagiarism-checking needs! The results of our plagiarism checking will astonish you, because we are able to detect even the most skillfully hidden and subtle elements of plagiarizing activity.
Plagiarism Detection Service
Details below offers its professional services to the individual customers who want to make sure in the originality of their papers independently of their institutions. Irrespective of your position, status or profession our plagiarism detection system is the best source to check any written document for plagiarism with a guarantee of 100% accuracy and safety. No matter if you are a member of a faculty trying to check your student’s work for the citation errors or a student who wants to assure the success of his writing, we are glad to welcome you at our site. We guarantee 100% detection of the slightest hints of plagiarism in your text as well as your total privacy and safety of your content submitted for a check.
Terms of Subscription:
- One account is available to one user only.
- The number of plagiarism check reports depends on service plan you choose (see below).
- The turnaround time is rapid and depends on the priority level you choose.
- No hidden or additional charges.
- No fees for the setup.
- An instantly created account.
As an individual customer you will receive numerous benefits of the traditional membership at - iPlagiarismCheck Reports, databases checks and open access to the archives, and of course, discounts for constant clients. All these benefits are available via a special interface tailored for use by individual subscribers.
Creating this service we made sure in its availability to a common user. The price for the services was fixed according to the industry average. This made it much cheaper than other plagiarism detection tools. In case that you think that our prices are too expensive for your budget – contact us and we will give you a discount.