Here are the most popular questions about
Is any information concerning my order stored at
The check at is totally safe. You are free to submit your paper for scanning hundreds and thousands of time, and no information will be saved. We are not engaged in any fraud activity of reselling or uploading the papers, with us you can feel safe. What is more we do not require any personal information that may be harmful to your career if revealed. Total privacy, confidentiality and safety are ensured at
How is your service in comparison to other common plagiarism detection tools?
Plagiarism detection tools are very useful for everyone. Free plagiarism-detection programs are widely used by people with different academic and professional needs, although these programs cannot assure maximum protection. Our advanced system of anti-plagiarism scan is based on the multi-layered process and uses SMART scanning system and is more effective compared to the common tools.
Can my professor find out if I have used your service to remove plagiarism from my paper?
We guarantee you that your teachers, professors or directors have no way to find this out. All the process is totally confidential and respects your privacy and will never disclose any data to the third parties.
There are sources on the left side, what do they represent?
Those sources that are placed on the left were found in your paper. If any of them are considered as legitimately used, you should mark them and we will recalculate the percentage of plagiarism in your paper.
I got 15% of plagiarism in my paper. What does it mean and is it bad or good?
These 15% are not used to evaluate your paper. It is only a percentage of the sources that were used in the submitted text. You can decide by yourself, whether to site them properly or remove the fragments that were plagiarized.
How can I be sure you will not violate my rights using the texts I submit for checking?
We give different guarantees and have strict policies and rules.
What charge will appear on my credit card statement?
The charges at your credit card statement as 2Checkout
Do you give any discounts?
The main mission of is to provide accessible and high quality help. So if you are a returning user of, feel free to inquire for a discount.