What can be a bigger accomplishment for a scientist than publishing a refined research paper? For sure, to be effective and successful, it demands a huge amount of time and effort from a researcher. It should meet the highest academic standards and contain the proper material to cover the subject properly. However, it can get published only after the stage of manuscript writing and submitting it to the publisher.What is a Manuscript in Research? A perfect manuscript is a rationally structured, complete, and accurate document meticulously created in ...
Not everybody can make rhymes. These are only genuinely gifted people who can create striking paintings and drawings. Are these statements still true in the era of artificial intelligence? It seems that things have changed dramatically. If you open your Facebook account, you will see loads of AI-generated spam images of disabled mothers, soldiers, smiling babies and crying elderly people, asking for a like or a birthday wish. Reading through new poems and stories, you never know whether they were created by a thoughtful author or simply produced on the ...
What is an indisputable must-have in present-day academic writing? For sure, it is maintaining originality and integrity, which can be really challenging for researchers. Upholding high standards of ethics requires the use of properly tailored plagiarism detection tools and access to advanced databases to meet specific needs of the academic world. For sure, nowadays with all the technological advancements of the recent years, the role of artificial intelligence in plagiarism detection cannot be overestimated either in online or traditional education. ...
In a perfect world, the entire system of education exists to prepare young people for shaping a better future. What about the present-day reality with re-evaluation of all principles and goals that used to be critically important? Can AI accelerate the transformations? How will a new process of teaching and learning affect the people's minds? Will AI-based plagiarism detection make the system of education more fair in assessment? Will students become more or less educated with the latest advancements in schools and universities? All in all, how will AI ...
Have you ever tried not only to get entertainment but also look for answers to some of your questions on YouTube? Looking for particular information, you must have noticed in great surprise that there are tons of different videos which present the same opinions, contain the same content, and are obviously copies of each other. It is natural to assume that YouTubers do not have similar thoughts by chance, but they actually steal the work of others. For sure, there is enough audience for any kind of content and every channel has the right to develop and ...
Everything is crystal clear when it goes about your own article or unique image. You are the author and you own all the rights to this content. What about non-human authors and creators? If you have made a list of requirements to the text and you got it from an AI tool, whose intellectual property is it: yours or the AI’s? Can ChatGTP be an owner of the ideas from its posts or articles? Who owns AI generated art or writing? Actually, there is no definite answer and both legal and ethical implications related to the ownership rights of AI platforms ...
We live in the time of great fears, great hopes, and great expectations. If one tries to identify what is the best association with the present-day reality, it is probably ‘the age of AI.’ Everything changes so fast that even such stable sphere as writing requires enhancements. Doing time-consuming work that drains energy and inspiration, a writer needs support and assistance. Without the fear that AI can replace them and leave them unemployed and not needed, it is possible to see new horizons in using it. With the human emotional power and ...
Life rarely gives simple and direct answers, especially when the questions are rather provocative. In the era of AI tools, is there place for originality? Does AI kill creativity or give it a new start? How can we define this collaboration between human brain and the latest software? Is that partnership of two creative parties? Plagiarizing without referencing the actual author of the ideas? Parasitism? Cheating? Drawing inspiration when your ideas have dried up? Can a computer be truly creative? There are so many questions that they can make one dizzy. ...
Everybody knows that there is a fine line not only between love and hate. The same can be said about using AI for inspiration and plagiarizing. Distributing tasks among the students, the professor has always expected each of them to turn in their own work. It used to be a great challenge for all schools to ensure compliance with the standards of academic integrity as the students were tempted to borrow ideas from other sources, their peers’ papers, and huge online resources. The issue remains, but it has become less burning, being gradually ...
You are a writer and your professional dream has always been very clear and understandable. To write fast, to work better, and give bigger ideas to let the readers know that you are the one whose point of view they should always take into account – that’s it, right? The tedious tasks have always worn you out but you want to conquer all the blocks and speak with confidence. This new era of ChatGPT and other miracles of technological progress make you consider the benefits of using ai writing tools. So, has your dream come true? Isn’t it ...