Tips to Reuse Your Old Writings
31 Oct 2022

Everything changes so fast. Posting some content online, a writer cannot leave it as it is for years as it happens with articles, books, and news. You could have believed that updating your old content is not an important matter; however, nowadays, it is crucial to give new life to the content no matter how brilliant it is. It is a trick of successful online publications and those website owners aware of it can maintain the interest of their followers. With the expansion of the target audience, the new followers have no idea of the previously published content. Nevertheless, you cannot just upload the same text again and again. You do know that writing it, you were enthusiastic, inspired, and creative; however, without a new life breathed into it you cannot use the article without self-plagiarism detected.
Explore the following tricks that will let you do content repurposing without any hazard of traced unoriginality.
How Can You Make Meaningful Content Updates?
- Change the style and tone
Writing texts can be compared to composing popular songs. Sometimes, a new version of a boring song can make a new generation of listeners so much enthusiastic that its popularity exceeds that of an old one. A talented writer can make the article sound new even if the content actually remains the same. Without a change in the key ideas, you can make a pessimistic article sound optimistic and active. Your article that used to encourage the audience to action can now become merely informative. Fancy that your text is a personality with different moods. They are sad today and joyful tomorrow. Your tone of writing may change and that will attract new readers. Be flexible and adaptable for new conditions and requirements! If you do everything skillfully, you will manage to produce a seemingly new text but with much less effort than the one composed afresh.
Master the standards of writing and work hard on creating the engaging content. In that case, you will be able to find your own voice and then modify it depending on your own goals. For sure, it is a matter of crucial importance to make sure that the content you use is plagiarism-free; so, can be a perfect solution for that.
- Use synonyms
Change the order of words and grammar structures in the sentences. Different tenses and synonymous vocabulary will make sure that the ideas of the text remain the same, but the way of expressing changes dramatically. Actually, this approach will be based on paraphrasing and rewriting and that is fine when it goes about revitalizing the content. Still, word swapping cannot be technical as it will make all the effort look artificial and boring. Automatic change of words online with the help of free paraphrasing tools will not give your text a fresh look. Instead, it will look false and scare the readers away instead of making them enthusiastic about your website content.
Repurposing blogs, for example, can be done with the help of ironic expressions, sarcastic comments, metaphors, epithets, and other literary means that will make the text bright and different from others. Using them in a smart manner, you will be able to sell your writing ability several times with the use of the same ideas. Be convincing and creative, but without any copying. Automatic plagiarism checkers can be really fast in catching the phrases taken from previous texts without any modifications at all or with poor changes.
Remember, you cannot sell one product twice without taking an extra effort. Your credibility is at stake; so, you need to avoid copying and borrowing content. Research similar articles devoted to the same concept and make a mixture of ideas. Use a quality thesaurus and take the brightest synonyms to express the same ideas but with different words.
- Restructure, shorten, and extend
Most probably, every post or article you need has a certain word count limitation. Make sure that the content you use is meaningful. If you see that some part of the previous article was useless, you can replace it with some more valuable content, while paraphrasing the other sections. Updating website content should be creative and flexible. It is tempting to make sentences longer with sophisticated phrases that add nothing to the meaning. However, redoing the article, omit those sections and cut off the parts which actually mean nothing.
Shorten! This is a motto of the present-day life. Nobody can focus even on the best writing for a long span. There are so many sources of information online that there is hardly anybody willing to look through a vague or unclear text if it is possible to find the same stuff given in a comprehensive manner. There should be no long sections at all! Restructure your old-fashioned articles and make them sound fresh and modern. Catch the attention of your readers instead of making them half asleep.
- Get to the main point
Playing with words and tones is fine, but you have to keep in mind that the focus should be on the ideas to convey, not the vocabulary or grammar. The process of content refresh cannot be easy as mere change of the words will not add value to the text. Check on the validity of the key concepts and make sure that you get to the planned point.
Use numerous benefits of text repurposing! Improve your overall online presence with an effective strategy of changing previously written texts to appeal to a new audience, allow your new followers see the previous articles, and reinforce the previous message. Your ideas will echo again and again if you make the most of your effort. Saving you money, time, and nerves, you will boost your SEO strategy, retarget your texts, and create numerous benefits for your blog, website, and company. Give a new look to your old content and make use of the best texts you used to have. Reinvigorate them and apply your creativity, employing impressive new elements and new approaches.