15 Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Avoiding Plagiarism

15 Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Avoiding Plagiarism

A Few Interesting Tips Regarding Avoiding Plagiarism

It’s no secret that a lot of students don’t know how to deal with accidental plagiarism and avoid it. Nevertheless, we have prepared the best pieces of advice on avoiding plagiarism.

  • Bear in mind that you should always cite the sources you use in your work. While drawing upon someone else’s work or ideas, it is of a great importance to make sure you have added an appropriate citation.
  • Take into consideration your style guide. Remember referencing guidelines that are suggested at your university.
  • Even though it might be so tempting to “borrow,” try not to resort to it. It would be so easy for your lecturer to find out that you have simply copied a few paragraphs since you writing style will undergo some changes.
  • Adding your own points of view could be also a great idea. Academic writing requires developing your own view. The reason is that your professor wants to know whether you are able to analyze and criticize the works of others.

Incredible recommendations concerning avoiding plagiarism

  • The first step you ought to take is learning what plagiarism actually is.
  • Plagiarism is when you use another person’s ideas or words without acknowledging them. Don’t forget about consulting your course outline as well as the Durham College website so that you can get to know regarding the Academic Integrity policy at your college. What is more, make sure you understand what consequences wait for you if you don’t follow the rules.

  • Another essential step is understanding the assignment criteria.
  • When your professor provides significant instructions, listen to them carefully. Apart from that, pay attention to the guidelines included in the assignment rubric and follow them. If there is something that is not clear, you can easily ask for the explanation.

  • Don’t put off.
  • Getting started as early as possible is definitely a sensible decision. It’s a well-known fact that in order to complete the task successfully, you need to establish an effective time frame. Those students who prefer procrastinating, usually take shortcuts in the long run. As a result, they don’t manage to avoid plagiarism.

  • The next suggestion is using credible sources.
  • One of the inevitable requirements for academic writing is using books, websites, documents, and articles for supporting your position. These are called credible sources, in other words.

  • Keep in mind that you should take relevant research notes.
  • Frankly speaking, it is significant to note attentively every single source of each paragraph that is intended to be used in your work.

  • The next suggestion is using credible sources.
  • One of the inevitable requirements for academic writing is using books, websites, documents, and articles for supporting your position. These are called credible sources, in other words.

  • Make sure that you understand exactly what is supposed to be referenced.
  • If you do such things as quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing while working on your paper, then you ought to reference all of the pieces of information that you added to your work by doing this. Moreover, graphics, images, and statistics that were created not by you must be cited, too. However, there is no need to reference common knowledge and your opinion. If you doubt whether you ought to reference something or not, you’d rather ask you professor for clarification. It must be mentioned that referencing is generally better than missing it.

  • Have you already learnt how to integrate research?
  • It is highly recommended to show in a clear way that you are trying to use someone else’s words in your piece of writing. For instance, you can use such phrases like “The Ministry of Health drew a conclusion” or “According to.” Thus, it would be really easy for your reader to see the necessary source of the information.

  • Remember allowing enough time for reviewing your work.
  • An important tip is also giving your piece of writing a final review before you submit it. Acknowledge all of your sources throughout the text.

Useful Practices Concerning Avoiding Plagiarism

  • If you want to do a good research, you should take your time. So, don’t put off your assignments and research to avoid running out of time. In addition, you might be pressured to finish which can lead to bad decisions. Why don’t you plan your research in advance, and have enough time to look for help and get it from your professor when needed. To add, librarians as well as campus support staff may probably be helpful for you.
  • Note taking demands from you 100% scrupulosity. Begin labeling in your notes words from others and your ideas right from the start. Even if you simply draft your paper, remember to admit relevant sources. Consequently, keeping accurate records of the sources you use will lead to less number of problems that you might face writing your paper.

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