Historical incidents
18 Jan 2016
Plagiarism has been around for a long time. Though in earlier days its instances were less nowadays because of technology and the wide variety of information around us, the instances are increasing at an alarming rate every day. Not only that but these instances are happening all around the world. The worst part is that these incidents are becoming more and more commonplace every day. Normally when we talk of it we generally think of plagiarising as happening only in the academic field; however it has and is happening in a number of other fields also such as music, arts and many other fields. These incidents can be read about on the Theplagiarism.com but here are the most famous ones given ahead.
The first incident is one concerning a very famous song competition in the early 1970s. In this competition and entry was found to have plagiarised from a previous existing song that had been composed a few years back. The song was however not disqualified because of certain unknown reasons. The second incident was concerning a very famous writer in the last century. This writer admitted to writing his latest novel by plagiarising from a very famous old novel but the writer saved himself by settling with the court for amount to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The next incident involves a former President. This man was asked to step down from his position because it was revealed that his works had been done because of plagiarism back in his college days that had resulted in him getting higher grades in college. If this wasn’t bad enough it was discovered that his speeches were also copied from the speeches of other politicians of his own country and of other countries. The next incident concerns a famous revolutionary whose speeches, it was found out, were plagiarised from previous speeches of former revolutionaries. Not only that it was also found out that his thesis, written by him in his doctorate days, was half plagiarised from a number of unknown sources. A very famous musician in the 1970s was found guilty of plagiarising one of his very famous songs from another musician’s song that had been composed previously. The next incident involves a very well established professor and author of psychology books. This person was forced to leave his job because of accusations of plagiarism made against him in the late 1990s that continued till a few years back also. The next incident takes place in the early 2000s. Many high position employees of a very well established and famous newspaper resigned after it was found out that an employee of that paper had been misquoting people and forging facts and telling lies. Many of the stories being published were about very high profile people in important places. In the next incident, one videogame company accused another company of plagiarism concerning a videogame that they had developed. A very famous female writer had been accused of plagiarising her work in her childhood. Her classmates had then proceeded to check her work before allowing her to submit it. The next incident involves two doctorate holders. One of them accused the other of plagiarising his thesis. When this was proved, the accused doctorate holder’s title was invalidated and he was fired from his teaching position at the university. A famous film maker was accused that one of his famous movies was a plagiarised work from the episodes of another film maker’s television show. The widow of a very famous novel writer accused certain film makers of plagiarism when she claimed that their movie was based on her late husband’s novel.