Intentional plagiarism

Intentional plagiarism

Today plagiarism of all types has become highly widespread everywhere. In the past plagiarising was considered to be a very easy and convenient option and also was very tempting. The reason for this was that it reduced hard work and effort to a bare minimum. Very little patience was required as a result of this. Also the work was done in a very short period of time and was finished very fast and in the shortest time possible. The research required was also non-existent as all one is doing is copying entirely from another person. What has made this practice even more tempting in recent times is the availability of papers on the internet. Papers are available for free download at many websites on the internet. Information for the same is also available on the internet freely. But what is even more tempting than all this is the recent availability of term papers on the internet that are for sale and can be bought very easily.

When people indulge in plagiarism without knowing then it is known as unintentional plagiarising. But when people indulge in copying and plagiarising fully aware of their actions, then it is known as intentional plagiarising. In a recent number of cases this was seen in many newspapers. The journalists from these newspapers, who are actually responsible for shoeing and presenting the truth, were caught for bringing and printing plagiarised articles. plagiarism is copying another’s thoughts and ideas to show them as one’s own without giving due credit to the person. This is wrong as it promotes unoriginality and laziness. On top of this it only encourages people to not think for themselves and also gets them used to the idea of not working hard and being impatient. Most people whenever they plagiarise for the first time, are excused for the first time. However, if a person plagiarises again then he or she is not to be excused. This person is said to be indulging in intentional plagiarising. This person has shown no remorse for his mistake of the first time and has not learnt any lesson from his or her first time of plagiarising. Under no circumstances should this person be forgiven or excused. This type of plagiarism is especially bad for professionals whose reputation is on the line. If they are caught even once plagiarising, then their reputation is tarnished and their career suffers. In case of companies, it is extremely bad. When an employee of a company gets caught doing this, then the name of the whole company is dragged through the mud and the company name and business suffers heavily. Tight and strict rules are required to curb this practice which can be seen on the along with any other related information that one would wish to see.

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