Internet plagiarism
24 May 2016
The place where plagiarism activities occur in large chunks is the internet. As the internet is accessible to everyone and easy to use and operate then it is sure to teach you the tricks of the trade regarding plagiarism activities. Think about it, if you copy a paragraph the way it is from a book or an encyclopedia then you have a very little chance of being caught as no one would even remember the text read ages ago. But on the internet you have everything at a mouse click and so you find it easy there. But you must know that on the internet you can also be caught easily. Quite naturally once you are caught with the plagiarized stuff you are sure to be made to pay for it. Hence it is always stressed upon that plagiarism is a very dangerous habit on the internet with gruesome consequences.
It is equally important for you to stay away from internet plagiarism as it is to stay away from it
there are a few ways by which you can save yourself from plagiarism. The easiest and the best way is to purchase or download anti plagiarism software from the internet. These days many writing companies are themselves developing such software and it easy to use offline also.
Since the expansion of the internet and the ease in availability of any textual material one is very prone to plagiarism these days. Even someone who does not have the knowledge of the internet can just type the keyword and get hundreds of articles on it. You have to honestly answer this question that if you work all day long to create an article or an essay and find it that someone else has claimed it to be his then would you like it? Won’t you feel that the person should be severely prosecuted and even hung till death! Similarly when you copy the works of writers on the internet they also want you to face the harshest punishment on account of stealing and plagiarism. The writer who posts work on the internet wants the public to praise it and also pay him money for it.
plagiarism has become very common because of the prevalence of search engines like Yahoo and Google. The first thing that anyone does when he/ she has to write a textual document is “Google It” as the new term has been coined. Cut, copy and paste has been the mechanism of work nowadays and the use of your own creativity and knowledge has been vanished, as if people do not want to work and just present copied work. They are unaware that once their plagiarized work is caught then they cannot imagine the enormous amount of trouble they are in.
plagiarism can be detected in one second as there is availability of anti- plagiarism software and this helps in the most precise detection of plagiarized work form the source that has been incorporated. You ought to think twice before indulging in the act of copying any essay. Once your teacher catches your plagiarized essay then you are sure to either be suspended or expelled from your course. So use the internet technology to your advantage by removing plagiarism from your essays than copying essays from any website that offers cheap term papers to buy.