How to Write a Plagiarism-Free Research Article?

How to Write a Plagiarism-Free Research Article?

It is a common misconception that it is as easy as ABC to write a research article from the first attempt and make it perfect. You do want your paper to be strong, but are you sure you know how to use the previous findings and incorporate them into your own research without any copying? It is a real challenge to give sufficient evidence but steal no thoughts from other researchers. Whatever you take without permission: an apple from a supermarket, a wallet out of someone’s pocket, or an idea from the text of another author, it is an act that ...

Mastering the Skill of Paraphrasing

Mastering the Skill of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing has come into the life of people of the 21st century with the development of technologies and the Internet. Rewording of the texts keeping the original meaning intact is a skill which has a significant value nowadays. If you are a website owner, you will not be able to attract new site visitors without professional writer. Popularity of websites gets extremely low if there is no quality content as the Google search results are ranked according to the originality of the texts there. If you are a student, you need to know how to paraphrase a ...

Perfect Personal Statement for Graduate School

Perfect Personal Statement for Graduate School

Do you know how to write a personal statement? If you apply for a graduate program, you cannot do without this knowledge. You may believe that it is enough to submit your academic credentials in recommendation letters and transcripts from your school, but that is not right. You want to be successful in your application and that requires more than factual information. There are so many applicants with similar papers and you will need something special to stand out and look different from them. No one can present you better than you can! Your personal ...

Why Do Students Plagiarize?

Why Do Students Plagiarize?

Everybody lies. Nobody is perfect. Almost everybody has plagiarized at least once. There are a lot of sophisticated strategies for preventing plagiarism developed with great care by the academic experts and IT geniuses. Still, if one says it is possible to eliminate plagiarism altogether, it unfortunately sounds as utopia. How can you prevent plagiarism? This question has been asked for years, but there is still no universal answer to it. What makes the problem so complicated? To know that, you should first of all figure out what makes students copy the ...

Teaching Students about Plagiarism

Teaching Students about Plagiarism

To catch in the act and punish! Isn’t it the only desire of a teacher who is suspicious of plagiarism in the students’ papers? For sure, it does irritate when one gets a copy-pasted article from a journal instead of an independent research. Plagiarism is an acute pain and it is complicated for the teachers to figure out how they can eliminate it effectively. A warning? A threat of expulsion? What is the right way to combat this plague of present-day academic writing? Hold on! Are you absolutely confident that plagiarizers know exactly that ...

How to Make Your Writing More Engaging

How to Make Your Writing More Engaging

So, you have managed to create a brilliant hook and your readers anticipate superb content. Now you have to make the next step and convince them to continue reading and stay with you till the end. It sounds like a great plan, but you may face a lot of challenges as a writer. It does not matter whether you are a blog writer, a researcher, or even a student working on your assignment, you are definitely eager to engage the audience and share your ideas, findings, or points of view with other people. You are not alone! There are a lot of other academics, ...

Importance of Essay Structure

Importance of Essay Structure

You have heaps of compliments on your unique style of writing. For sure, you are born with it, but writing is a skill that is developed with practice. Recently, you have set an ambitious plan to be a pro at essays. Now, you need lots of patience and practice to get to professional heights and give final touches to your style. You want to speculate, interpret, analyze, and examine facts and ideas at the highest level of proficiency. It is outstanding that you have multiple thoughts and you know for sure what to say to impress your readers. Now, you have ...

Why to Use Citations in Academic Writing

Why to Use Citations in Academic Writing

Academic writing cannot be fancied without quotes and referencing. No researcher will actually doubt the need in proper citing, but the students not fully aware of how to cite sources may sincerely wonder about why they should bother. They truly believe that the fact of getting the right answer is more important than the method of obtaining information they needed. So, in the first weeks or months of studies, they get accused for plagiarism in their papers. For sure, the consequences of such careless attitude to academic integrity are gross and students ...

How to Find a Reliable Plagiarism Detection Tool

How to Find a Reliable Plagiarism Detection Tool

 Simply stated, what is a plagiarism detection tool? This is sophisticated software used to trace cases of copying the words of another person and pretending that you are the author. Is it of any use for you? No doubt if you do anything with writing, especially if you are a student or an academician. Let’s say you are a blogger or you get a task to write an essay or report every other day. Maybe right now you are working on the major project of your life or a dissertation. You may even be a researcher who conducts research for the office of ...

Argumentative Essay on COVID-19 Vaccines

Argumentative Essay on COVID-19 Vaccines

Most colleges and universities always try to touch upon the most topical issues in the tasks they give to their students. What can be more topical now than the COVID-19 pandemic with its restrictions, threats, and fears? Thus, a ‘should vaccines be mandatory’ essay is among the most in-demand argumentative topics, which excite heated debates, involve the readers, and ask thought-provoking questions. Trying to support the public benefits related to safety and healthcare, the governments are taking the steps which deprive individuals of their ...