Plagiarism - a cyber crime
01 Feb 2017
![Plagiarism - a cyber crime](/img/1024/plagiarism-a-cyber-crime.jpg)
It is extremely important for teachers and professors to be aware of plagiarism as nowadays it has become the habit of students to present essays, term papers, research papers, theses and dissertations that are copied from any of the various sources on the Internet. The following measures must be taken to check plagiarism:
- Each of the essays or term papers that are received must have some specific characteristic and it should not have been copied blindly. There must be a discussion or an analysis presented at the end of the term paper so that it can be deciphered that the work is original and not copied from anywhere. A topic of the research paper that is not very common should be assigned to students to encourage them to write it from scratch.
- Each of the students must be assigned to provide weekly or daily updates of the found and interpreted information so that they are not able to just copy the work in the end and present it. Professors should inquire into the reason for choosing a certain topic and the methodology their students plan to adopt while gathering information for their written work and jotting it down in the form of a term paper or research paper. Teachers can also ask for a rough draft initially and a bibliography along with the conclusion of the essay. Of course, this should all be done in a spread and allotted time frame.
- Instructors can also ask each and every student to list their sources of reference and compare the works cited of various students in order to prevent mass plagiarism. Owing to the use of efficient plagiarism detectors, teachers are easily able to compare students' writings with the listed sources. It will motivate learners to put efforts and expand their studying experience by writing original works instead of copying and pasting the ideas of other scholars and poorly paraphrasing them.
Plagiarism has become very common because of the prevalence of search engines, such as Yahoo and Google. The first thing that anyone does when he/ she has to write a textual document is “Google It” as the new term has been coined. Cut, copy and paste has been the mechanism of work nowadays, which puts creativity and an individually acquired knowledge under the threat. The redundant access to valuable information made people lazy. However, you must understand that copying from others is unacceptable if you truly want to achieve something in your life. Sadly, plagiarism awareness works properly only when a student is caught by a professor, only when a potentially decent learner gets expelled. You must realize that the punishment for plagiarism is harsh, especially if you steal the exact work intentionally.
Plagiarism can be detected in a few seconds as there is the availability of efficient anti-plagiarism detectors, such as the software we offer you at The algorithms of this tool allow precise detection of plagiarized content or accidental similarities. You ought to think twice before indulging in the act of copying any essay. Once your teacher discovers your plagiarized paper, it is likely you will be either suspended or expelled from your course. So use the internet technology to your advantage by removing plagiarism from your essays instead of copying pieces from any website that offers ‘cheap and original term papers to buy’.
Develop your creativity so that you can enhance your writing skills to produce original and interesting essays and get credit for your efforts. Being guilty of a cyber crime won't do you any good. Plagiarism can be easy to commit but this offensive act will cast a shadow on your moral principles and career prospects.