Plagiarism issues

When you have to complete assignments given by your teachers and professors you want to them as fast as possible. Also you want to get a better quality of articles or essays that you will be able to write. Hence what you want is only better grades and better content in your paper and tends to search the internet for a good website that would offer you term papers to buy. You fail to realise that once you contact such a website and buy their reasonably priced term papers you are actually indulging in an act of plagiarism.

Although you did not intend to present a plagiarised paper but once your paper containing the plagiarised material comes in to the limelight there would be strict action taken against you. You will be given a punishment as harsh as suspension from your university and even repetition of the entire semester. The essay that you had searched all over the internet to get good grades will not fetch you any of them but only trouble. plagiarism is becoming a serious issue as the sources from where the term papers are copied are the portals of major organisations and multinational industries. So if such a huge organisation is making such a lot of effort to write on their subjects and publish them on an internet website then how can anyone else have the right to claim them as his/ her own.

It is illegal to claim the literature of any organisation as your work published on the internet. You ought to realise that a whole lot of hard work and investment of knowledge, time and money is needed to carve out a piece of writing that is then fed to the World Wide Web using SEO. And once the same text is found on the internet or as a textual material it can be reported to the cyber policing. So any traces of plagiarism would lead to payment of a huge fine or imprisonment.

You must not take such a huge risk in your academic career and stay away from plagiarism. Statistically speaking we have about 84% cases where the text is copied and the name of the source of the source is not stated and around 70% of them are caught and penalized. You can anytime consult the writers of if you need help detecting plagiarism in your essays.

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