
The term plagiarism in simple words means not only sharing certain material of someone’s assignment to proceed further rather it means to steal the entire original information and pretend as if it is the result of your own hard work. Adding further the term self-plagiarism means to use your personal or own publications or inventions again and again without giving any description about the previous records. This offense has come into view in many departments where new and new publications come up every day. For example any one can steal the pre-discovered ideas from his/her own publications and then give it an impressive form to prove as if it is a new invention. This offense has also been conducted majorly by students when they have to submit an assignment. Every student wants to fetch best grades ever hence the strategy that they adapt is that for once they get an impressive assignment written from some unique custom writing company and later on copy from the same assignment time and again wherever possible thus giving rise to the offense called self plagiarism.

Most of the Ph.d students tend to get their research paper printed time and again for different newspapers and pretend as if they are publishing a new research paper every time. This again leads to the same offense.

Since plagiarism can take away all your grades once you are caught copying hence it is advice able to stay away from this offense and fetch best grades forever.

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