Top 8 Eligible Homework Excuses

Top 8 Eligible Homework Excuses

Top 8 Eligible Homework Excuses

Homework is a sacred thing… Well, ok, no irony, we all understand that it’s of particular importance to professors, but not to students. Even if you usually diligently do your homework, most of the time you force yourself to even start. Enticing procrastination absorbs your precious time, offering you a variety of entertainment choices and even creative activities, but that’s not what you have to do in the first place. Homework is an integral part of your life if you completely resemble Hermione Granger – she never skipped her studying responsibilities and was even rewarded with Time Turner to be at three different classrooms at the same time.

Besides being devoted to homework and spending long hours in the library, she wasn’t an irksome nerd: her other features were bravery, agility, and kind heart. Sadly, we rarely meet people like Hermione in real life. So, let’s confess it, even talented individuals tend to be occasional lazybones, being appalled by the only thought of doing homework. Ironically, the absence of homework is an awkward reason students get punished for: you become guilty of something you didn’t do. Anyway, doing nothing is almost an academic crime, and bad grades become your reprimand. Sometimes, however, a crafty student can get away scot-free, inventing incredible homework excuses a magnanimous teacher will pretend to accept as true.

Owing to the incredible imagination of J. K. Rowling, my mind comes back to Hogwarts again because, all in all, who doesn’t dream of studying in this both enchanting and enchanted place? I instantly recollect one of the best magical things that exist in the world of wizardry and witchcraft – the Marauder's Map.

Though this charmed document has nothing to do with homework, it’s directly related to breaking the rules joyfully and for the sake of noble purposes. Excuses for not doing homework can truly stem from a noble deed, and it can also be a creative method to expand your thinking abilities. Are you ready to get rid of the most tedious homework creatively? Then chant, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good”, and I sincerely hope your mischief will be managed successfully.

Old-fashioned Ways to Avoid Homework

  • Migraine in Vain
  • Millions of people suffer from headaches, but somehow it happens that a wicked migraine inflow intensifies when a satiated student life is at stake. Burning the midnight oil can truly lead to headaches, but we’ve all abused this “headache thing”, pretending to have it, and making it a homework avoidance excuse. Luckily, there are many ways to get rid of migraines: proper pills, herbal teas, head massages, etc. So, you’ll only irritate your teacher, saying that your headache ruined your learning process.

  • Sly Forgetfulness
  • Though a modern student usually does everything possible to stay focused, eating brain foods and meditating, some weird instances of amnesia tend to occur. Young people forget to do their homework from time to time. This excuse, however, is one of the worst. Will you be able to persuade your instructor that your memory loss was veritable? It’s highly unlikely: we all know you simply binge-watched Netflix again.

  • Homework as Pet Food
  • Strange things continue to happen in student life: their favorite pets start tearing homework to pieces, sometimes eating it, sometimes playing with it, making it unreadable. Oh really? You can be sly enough to bring “the evidence” of your “mutilated” homework, but the torn paper with blots is not enough to convince a suspicious teacher. Your only alibi is to record a video when your dog or cat attacks your diligently written task. I’ll rise in applause if you manage to do something like that (just don’t forget to erase that part when you give the eat-my-homework command to your dog).

  • Homework Needs Home
  • C’mon, are you still using this excuse? Forgetting your homework at home is a very weak option because a clever teacher may ask you to bring it after classes or he’ll even allow you to miss the class to get it. So if you haven’t done your assignment, academic problems are right around the corner.

  • Have Homework Ail? Computers Fail!
  • Ok, you will likely exclaim, “I don’t have enough resources to buy a normal PC that will function any day of the week. My lid computer has a virus even experienced programmers can’t cope with. What is odd, it simply shuts down the very moment I’m inspired to do my homework!” “I beg your pardon, I don’t believe you”, your teacher will say. It’s a bad excuse, dear student. Each university has a library with computers you can use at any time, especially for such noble purposes as homework.

Creative Ways to Avoid Homework

Good excuses for not doing homework relatively exist in academic reality: some teachers will accept even absurd reasons, while others will punish you anyway. Thankfully, there’s also a type of educators who will forgive the absence of your homework owing to an excuse that is more imaginative than the task itself.

  • Enlightened Mind Transcends the Rules
  • Though we’re all taught to study well, to adhere to certain educational aesthetics, which entail following the rules, the main aim of studying is to discover one’s true potential, gain the knowledge you’ll not forget after exams. This way, some individuals can skip their homework for the sake of learning something else, an alternative subject that is more important for their self-development. Your excuse: to show the teacher a well-written essay that elucidates your interest in a different subject matter. Such tactics are arrogantly elegant. It works sometimes if you’re gifted to become the next Einstein.

  • A Student of Mercy
  • You were devoted to volunteering that day, so your homework seemed to be not as necessary as the benevolent deeds you had to accomplish. You cooked the food for the homeless, built houses for the birds, and helped to decorate the local church for a significant event. If you were truthfully involved in these decent extra-curricular activities, you deserve praise; but it’s quite selfish to boast of your kindness and use it as an excuse. A benefit: teachers are often vulnerable to such stories.

  • Attacked by Plagiarist
  • Your story: “What could go wrong that night? I was at peace, murmuring lid rock ’n’ roll song while walking across the beautiful campus park. I was happy. I did my homework and had even time to reread it. I was strolling and reading my essay aloud, thinking of how seamless it is. It made me dream about my bright future, obtaining a degree in Arts and traveling the world afterward. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind my back. I turned around. A young man was grinning at me. He said, ‘Atta-boy, your essay is truly magnificent, but your grandeur will be mine!’ He wrested the written assignment from my grasp and ran away. It happened at lightning speed! I’m sure he’s going to plagiarize my brilliant work. I’ll do my best to find the perpetrator, but here I am now without my homework… now you know why.” Any comments? If your teacher has a sense of humor, he’ll just say, “Never do it again.”

The question is, are you so sick of your homework that you’re willing not to do it but to generate strange allegedly true stories about the events that impeded you from completing your college tasks? I believe the process of the invention can be alluring and even helpful if you intend to become a writer or acquire any other imaginative job. Otherwise, Professor Snape will constantly appear in your nightmares, saying, “You didn’t do your homework. You’ll get E.X.P.E.L.L.E.D.!” Sweet dreams. ;)

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