15 Must See Websites for Students

15 Must See Websites for Students

Writing Essay Service: Why you need to choose us

There are so many various educational websites for high school students, as well as for college students, on the Internet.

Nevertheless, there appears one problem of not being able to decide correctly, which pieces of information are valuable and which aren’t. You are probably about to enter some college or maybe already studying. It means that you are constantly being short of time and don’t even try to devote it to surfing the Net in order to stumble upon several valuable websites. Bear in mind that college life should teach you efficiency.

Thus, we composed this necessary list of 15 websites that college students will definitely find helpful.

Academic Writing

It’s no secret that writing is an integral part of studying at college. The significance of accurate writing is clear. Students are supposed to follow academic standards because it is the key to becoming a successful writer. Take into consideration the following resources and you’ll develop and master your writing in university.

  • Harvard College Writing Center
  • As you have probably already guessed, Harvard College offers a nice online resource that assists in writing various essays. It includes many effective tricks and tips for producing a killer essay.

    Academic Research

  • Google Scholar
  • Since students resort to matriculating through academia, writing requirements become stricter. It is not allowed to cite any simple web page as a source.Google Scholar can help in accessing to papers that were submitted across virtually all databases. What is more, you can have an access to full papers and make the most of a resource.

  • Even though it might be so tempting to borrow, try not to resort to it. It would be so easy for your lecturer to find out that you have simply copied a few paragraphs since you writing style will undergo some changes.
  • Grammarly
  • This useful website can not only help you to locate surface errors. Apart from that, it can point out different advanced structural issues.

  • Coursera
  • Visiting this site regularly means that your online learning has become very interesting. To tell you the truth, Coursera has connections and licenses with organizations and universities all around the world.

  • Citation Machine
  • Can you imagine that this citation machine can build effectively any citation for you? The steps you need to take are rather simple: choosing the style (APA, MLA, etc.), inserting the title of the source or URL. As a result, this online tool will indubitably index the relevant source, highlight bibliographic entries, as well as in-text citations.

  • Evernote
  • Enjoy utilizing technology and prefer having your data constantly on the table? You are welcome then! Thanks to Evernote, you can have a workspace on a screen. Take advantage of staying organized with this perfect planner and connecting with various people in real time in order to collaborate with them.

  • TED Talks
  • It’s no secret that this website is becoming more and more popular. The reason is quite clear for that. A lot of clever lecturers come to it for sharing their knowledge. They are experts in a great number of fields. By the way, there is a special committee who must approve these lecturers to make sure their subject is worth spreading and talking about.

  • Thesaurus.com
  • There is no doubt that if a student makes an attempt to utilize stronger vocabulary in an academic paper, it means that he increases possibility of him getting a higher grade. Thesaurus.com can be helpful in fulfilling such a task.

  • Quizlet
  • Would you like to bring more fun to your studying? I am sure, you would! So, begin with creating an account and your first own set of fascinating flashcards on Quizlet. After that, you can easily learn necessary information that is randomly chosen.

    Money Management

  • Simple Visa
  • Using a Simple Visa card makes allocation and fund organization very easy for you. This virtual banking option allows you to create folders, including savings and bills.

  • Sleepy Time
  • Have problems with determining the amount of sleep you need? Sleepy Time will prepare a special schedule for you. Thus, you will know exactly when to go to bed and when to wake up.


  • Glassdoor
  • This website puts forward internships, and volunteer opportunities. You can get acquainted with the hiring procedures. What is more, you will see how the particular company is ranked by people who have interacted with it and employees.

    Take a break

  • BuzzFeed
  • This source is all about entertainment and news. There is a big variety of fun videos, games, content for exercising your mind.

    Social Awareness

  • The Safe Zone Project
  • Taking into consideration the fact that this resource is open and free to use, anyone can alter the chosen resources for accommodating the needs of their college campus.

    BBC Languages

  • BBC French
  • The format of it is bilingual. Frankly speaking, the content of BBC French is undoubtedly of high-quality. Courses and lessons contain audio and video content with transcripts, vocabulary cards, interactive games, grammar exercises, and explanations.

Enjoy those 15 useful sites for students!

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