Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story
12 Apr 2018

Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story
Being public people, politicians always get involved in various scandals. For example, plagiarism in politics is considered a serious crime, because the unlawful taking the thoughts and ideas of other people should be punished by the law.
Recently, the USA political area was impressed by the serious plagiarism issue, when it appeared that Betsy DeVos had a few plagiarized quotes in her Senate Questionnaire. Betsy DeVos is a well-known activist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, and, thus, she does not have any right for mistakes.
One of such stories is presented below
A number of US Senators have demanded repeated hearings on the candidacy of Betsy DeVos for the post of US Education Secretary. Undoubtedly, the first hearing, which took place on January 17, can hardly be called successful. At the hearing, DeVos looked uncertain, gave some evasive and even absurd answers. As such, the opponents of President Donald Trump noticed the first real opportunity to strike him and refuse to nominate his candidate. In particular, replying to the question of Chris Murphy, Senator Democrat and supporter of tightening the gun control, who asked the woman to express her position regarding weapons,
DeVos replied that each state should solve this issue on its own. “I can imagine that there may be weapons in the schools to protect themselves from possible attack by grizzly bears,” DeVos replied. Because of this response, as noted by the Washington Post, "with the speed of lightning, Betsy DeVos has become a target for jokes in the evening television shows."
Moreover, in her Questionnaire submitted to Congress, which had to help DeVos approve her nomination, the journalists noticed serious signs of plagiarism, which is totally unacceptable. After her speech, the hearing was limited to only one round of questions by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, Health, Labor and Pensions, Senator Lamar Alexander.
There were over 1,000 questions, which were answered under DeVos name, and some of them coincided with the political program of the Head to Obama’s Civil Right Division, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta.
In particular, while Betsy DeVos claimed that "All children deserve for a safe and supportive environment in the school, which would enable them to thrive, learn, and grow," Gupta expressed almost the same statement in May Press Release when talking about the Civil Rights of the transgender students.
She stated, "Each child can attend school in a safe and supportive environment, which allows them to thrive, learn, and grow."
The Washington Post was the first newspaper that noticed the obvious plagiarism. After learning this case carefully, Rob Goad, Trump’s education adviser called plagiarism a “character assassination.” Supporting Betsy DeVos, he admitted that the accusation was nothing more than the attempt to discredit Betsy DeVos, and she could not respond to nearly 1,400 questions without repeating the ideas once heard by anyone.
Senator Patty Murray promised to review the answers and conduct a careful investigation of the issue. Two weeks ago, DeVos got rid of assets in 102 companies but retained a stake in Neurocore, the company, which helps the children with the lack of attention or hyperactivity adapt to school.
DeVos has been considered the leader of the nationwide movement for school reform for approximately 20 years. According to Donald Trump, under the leadership of DeVos, the authorities will be able to correct the US educational system and end the bureaucracy. Besides, DeVos does not support the concept of a compulsory set of knowledge for each student, as she has repeatedly stated. She is also a supporter of the system of school vouchers, a scholarship program that allows children from poor families, including African-Americans, to study in expensive private schools.
All in all, the plagiarism accuse significantly undermines the reputation of Trump’s candidacy, making Betsy DeVos a target for numerous critical speeches. Indeed, this case became one of the most popular among other plagiarism stories as it involves the most influential figures in the United States. It should be said that politicians should be more careful when writing their programs since every word of this program can become a subject for criticism.