Argumentative Essay on COVID-19 Vaccines

Argumentative Essay on COVID-19 Vaccines

Most colleges and universities always try to touch upon the most topical issues in the tasks they give to their students. What can be more topical now than the COVID-19 pandemic with its restrictions, threats, and fears? Thus, a ‘should vaccines be mandatory’ essay is among the most in-demand argumentative topics, which excite heated debates, involve the readers, and ask thought-provoking questions. Trying to support the public benefits related to safety and healthcare, the governments are taking the steps which deprive individuals of their common human rights and may induce deprivation not to let this infectious disease spread further. For sure, there are controversies on the right of all individuals to enjoy their liberty, in particular when it goes about getting vaccinated. An academic essay on topic like this can encourage the students to think critically, make decisions, take a certain position, and defend it with the help of well-grounded evidence. However, is it really easy to work on it? 

Argumentative Essay Writing: Key Stages
The genre of an argumentative essay implies proper investigation of a chosen topic, collecting and assessing the evidence to confirm some position, and presenting this position briefly and clearly. An argumentative essay on vaccines also requires awareness of the topic and taking a particular position. 

Argumentative Essay Writing: Key Stages

The genre of an argumentative essay implies proper investigation of a chosen topic, collecting and assessing the evidence to confirm some position, and presenting this position briefly and clearly. An argumentative essay on vaccines also requires awareness of the topic and taking a particular position. 

Stage 1. Choose a thought-provoking topic. 

You have already done it! Your ‘should vaccines be mandatory’ essay will definitely involve critical thinking.

Stage 2. Differentiate between your personal opinion and claims.

Stage 3. Do the brainstorming and collect all possible claims and evidence. 

Stage 4. Find the counterclaim.

Stage 5. Do the actual writing

Argumentative Essay on COVID-19 Vaccines: Background

In response to the current pandemic, the governments of numerous countries adopted a number of emergency measures to slow down the spread of COVID-19 virus.  It goes without saying that immunization keeps saving millions of adult and children’s lives every year, and the COVID-19 pandemic now is drawing the attention of the entire world to the problem of vaccination.

There has been a tendency among some parents not to vaccinate their children despite the confirmed facts of a considerable decline in mortality and great success in preventing serious infectious diseases among the children. This is a so-called Anti-Vaxx trend which has a lot of supporters. Their arguments are based on the ideas of unethical medical practices, potential short-term and long-term consequences of vaccinations, and their inefficiency. It is a bit different in case of COVID-19. It is understandable why the public may apprehend novel vaccines as they were produced in no time. Being skeptical, a lot of people are against these vaccines although they are not anti-vaxxers in other cases.

After the development of new vaccines for COVID-19, they are distributed to the public around the world. Still, mandatory nature of COVID-19 vaccination, at least for some population groups, implies imposing penalties, fines, and restrictions on the freedom of getting to public places, excites indignation and oppression among the public. What you have to do as a writer is to give your solid position without being prejudiced.

First-Rate Argumentative Essay on Vaccines: Main Aspects to Cover

A vaccinations essay is among the most popular argumentative tasks at present. Its aim is to analyze whether the human rights are violated with the compulsory nature of vaccine.

What should such essays include?

  1. giving detailed background information;
  2. analysis of the state interference in the human rights;  
  3. general discussion of vaccination;
  4. review of specific rights affected with the compulsory vaccination;
  5. making a conclusion on the obligatory nature of certain measures taken in the interests of public safety and protection of the human right to life. 

Which Arguments You Can Use in Your Vaccinations Essay

The aim of the essay is to explain which benefits the vaccines have and the reasons why they outweigh the related inconveniences and side effects. The key argument for vaccination is high likelihood that getting the virus can be associated with serious complications. Which other arguments can writers use to convince the hesitant readers?
  • Vaccine makes the probability of contracting the COVID-19 virus lower. 
Even if you get ill, you will have sufficient protection not to get seriously or even terminally ill. It is also an outstanding protective measure taken for the sake of people around, who may be at greater risk than you are. 
  • Vaccination is the only tool that can put an end to the pandemic. 
For sure, the humanity uses all available tools to stop the pandemic. Exposure to a virus is reduced with social distancing and wearing masks, but these measures are insufficiently effective. Impacting the immune system, vaccines get the body prepared for the exposure to an actual virus and fighting it.   
  • There are too much gossip and lies about the effect of vaccines.
There is no direct effect of COVID-19 vaccines on the human DNA as they deal mostly with the mRNA to make the spike protein for the protection of cells and teach the body how to kill the virus. 
  • Vaccines provide protection and exclude life-threatening health conditions and complications. 
Vaccination gives an antibody response which protects a person without the necessity to actually get ill. Healthcare researchers investigate the effect of both natural immunity and produced immunity on the likelihood of getting ill and this research is going to last for a while.


An argumentative vaccinations essay makes you take some position in the debate among the supporters of COVID-19 mandatory vaccines and so-called Anti-Vaxxes. You may defend the idea of compulsory vaccination as nowadays it is not a matter of choice. You may also tell about your mixed feelings and inability to choosing between saving lives and protecting human rights. For sure, you may also declare that it is more important to be tolerant and sensitive to the rights of people than to protect vulnerable population groups. 
Make your thesis statement clear and build up sufficient evidence for the subject. Try to argue for your particular position and present your evaluation, analysis, and evidence to convince your readers. After that, add a bright conclusion to highlight the relevance of your arguments and make your readers remember your ideas. Practice makes perfect! 

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