Do not cheat

As all of us know that the future is on the shoulders on the children. When it comes to the word like cheating in life of these children then it would be very difficult to say anything good about the future. There are certain campaigns which are against cheating and believe in showing the way to those people. Their criterion of working is to be by making ads and guiding them through radios and televisions. They are focusing on the children of age group 10 to 14. The campaign’s motto is totally against cheating.

There are many organizations are working in it. Education Testing Service (ETS) is one of them. Some of the experienced and great persons in ETS have already quoted that the cheating is like dishonesty. A person meets to the dishonesty when he cheats. These campaigns also distributing the brochure in which the parents can be aware of their child’s cheating and help them out. The brochure for this name as “It’s Time to Cure the Disease of Cheating” contains many tips to reduce the cheating.

Some of the tips those are available in the brochure are as follows:

  • Making the child feel the essence of pride. It justifies the encouragement of child making feel pride when he would realize that he did his work on purely responsibility of himself.
  • Let them know that cheating is not acceptable at any case. Most of students think that cheating is just a normal process and everybody cheats without hesitation. This mentality is the symptom of negativity.
  • Show them the mirror when cheating would rule the world. Make them realize that what would happen if their favorite star had cheated or what would happen if a doctor got his degree by cheating and he is now going to operate someone.
  • Keep encourage your child when he wants to learn something new. For the mental growth of the children it is necessary to do. Knowledge, interests and learning matters then the grades and the scores. Ask your child’s interest and put into the right direction.

The motto of the is to make the children responsible and not to cheat from anywhere. Many ads are publishing day to day for the child’s future. This would only make to put children in right direction. Achievements always come from better learning.

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