Flaws of internet plagiarism

Flaws of internet plagiarism

The real reason for the emergence of plagiarism has been the internet. When you get an academic assignment you go to the internet. When you have to write a term paper you do it from the internet. Even for getting info about the latest technology you browse the internet. It is not your fault as it is human nature to find the easiest way out. Even someone who does not have the knowledge of the internet can just type the keyword and get hundreds of articles on it. You have to honestly think that if you copy someone’s effort from the text and then place your name against it, wouldn’t that writer feel that he has been forged, cheated and embezzled. Won’t the person want you to severely punished? And for your information you will be caught on the internet itself which you consider to be your playground. The internet unfortunately is the place that encourages you to indulge in plagiarism and then expose you to the world.

There are a large number of websites that belong to custom writing companies and aim to earn money by providing you plagiarized essays. They claim to write those essays from scratch but they instead have a large database of essays that are not even written b y their own writers but copied from notable sources on the internet. Just imagine the audacity! And you can be sure that once you are caught then no one would come to rescue as if their writers would themselves undergo criminal prosecution in your place.

These websites are illegal and only want to promote plagiarism on the internet along with satisfy their lust for money. If you want to purchase totally plagiarism free essay then you must visit Theplagiarism.com and be sure that you will not be introduced to any sort of plagiarism. The emergence of search engines like Yahoo and Google and their ability to provide you anything on the internet has inclined you towards plagiarism. The simple and fast cut, copy and paste has been the mechanism of work nowadays and the use of your own creativity and knowledge has been vanished, as if people do not want to work and just present copied work. They are unaware that once their plagiarized work is caught then they cannot imagine the enormous amount of trouble they are in. It is this internet that has been a boon for them, but its misuse will make it a bane by proving them criminals to the whole world.

Internet plagiarism can be detected in one second as there is developed plagiarism checking software which helps in the most precise detection of plagiarized work and even mentioning the name of the source, the paragraph and the line that has been copied. You ought to think twice before indulging in the act of copying any essay as it will be made into a scam by the cyber police on the internet or any other authority like your own educational institute.

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