Get rid of plagiarism

Get rid of plagiarism

Plagiarism in colleges is increasing rapidly and this escalation is due to the usual problems: flourishing of internet websites and lack of effort by students. There are thousands of websites that offer term papers to buy, essays for sale and what not to promote plagiarism. With so much available who would want to carry out an extensive research as well as slog day and night? The computer is an accessory that is everyone’s priciest possession these days and so getting hold of these essays from the internet is so simple. Just log on to the desired website and get your term paper. But the students are oblivious of the fact that these term papers are not written but copied from numerous sources on the internet. One portal that can assure that any of your text will be free from plagiarism is Before gathering the guts and trying the stunts of plagiarism you must think twice and ask yourself all of these questions. And if you are able to answer every single one of them then only plagiarism will be justified for you.

When was the last time someone from your classes was punished for plagiarism or been suspended or expelled, denied graduation, or charged with a civil case with the cyber police? How can an internet website a source? How much information can be borrowed acceptably from a Website, directory or encyclopedia? What is the punishment for plagiarism? How much quantity of plagiarism is acceptable for prevention of any sort of charges? How is plagiarism detected and reported? Will you get any sort of legal assistance during prosecution of a case? While using any library subscription or databases for abstracts, citations, full texts or other research work, what is the difference between legitimate use and plagiarism? What are the different policies followed by the colleges, universities and courses for assignment submission? Are the students well versed with these policies? Are these policies aptly explained to you by your teachers and professors? What is regarded to be a punishable offence in terms of unintentional plagiarism? Do all the articles on the internet search engines have copyright laws? What quantity of text from an article is considered fair enough for reference? What is the amount for remuneration or how much is the time that you might take to pay up for the plagiarism you have committed? Does the use of personal computers affect plagiarism? The list can go on and on…

So why do you want to take a risk and push yourself into a pit from where getting out will be such a tedious job. You ought to know that detection of plagiarism through software on the internet is easier than copying stuff from it. Do not get into such unnecessary trouble and make your own efforts. Any way the staff at is always there to assist you, so make use of it.

Now for all you smart guys out there rather than figuring out answers to that list of question you must get the answers to the following questions- If you are more familiar with computer techniques and have more expertise in using the internet, multitasking and the use of CD-ROMs than your faculty then you must try to find out ways to yourself control and detect plagiarism? If a your faculty is guiding you with the facts about plagiarism then what are you supposed to do and what should you try to know? Try to make a whole hearted effort and we are sure that your original essay will get you more praise than any plagiarized one.

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