Plagiarism and copyright infringement

There is a thin line of separation between the terms copyright infringement and plagiarism. Although the terms are regarded to be the same by majority of the population that surfs the internet to find online custom writings but it is important that you have this extra bit of knowledge that will be of advantage to you. We will first define these two terms.

Copyright infringement is limited to works that have a copyright and if the user does not take the necessary permission from the owner to use the material and also does not mention the copyright holder’s name. Mostly when you ask someone having a copyright for the permission to use the material you have to pay that person. And this is what people don’t want to do hereby indulging in the act of copyright infringement.

Plagiarism is somewhat common as well as has a difference from copyright infringement. It is basically defined that once you have copied any literary or textual source from the internet and not mentioned the name of the writer then you have committed plagiarism. Although if the copied material does not have a copyright then copying it down would not be termed as copyright infringement. Anyway, copyright infringement itself is an act of plagiarism. So you can understand that plagiarism is a broader form of cheating and copying which also includes copyright infringement as one of its malpractices.

It is of utmost importance that you give the required monetary credit to the writer who has done the original piece for you as not doing so would definitely make you guilty of copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is dealt very strictly in many countries and anybody found guilty of it is subject to legal prosecution. So if your country has a copyright management policy it will be better that you follow it and pay up the copyright holder. The payment may be done beforehand or the holder may charge an amount after the total and final payment received by the plagiarist.

Even if you forget to mention the name of the original writer of the essay or do it unintentionally you would be committing plagiarism. And you can view the text on that plagiarism more than being a moral crime is regarded as a cyber crime worldwide. Remember to think twice before copying or committing plagiarism as you would have to face judicial prosecution and maybe later the same thing might happen to you when your work might be copied by someone else and you do not get your due credit.

Plagiarism is a very negative habit and attitude to develop. It shows that you are either incapable to do any work or simply lazy and do not want to work. It also forms a very bad impression of your character as you are deemed as a person who wants to make a name for him without striving for it. This is a very defeatist kind of a habit and it brings out your incompetence out in the forefront. Be bold enough to try and then if you fail it is not a problem. But do not indulge in plagiarism and risk your reputation.

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