Cover Letter Tips that Help a Recent Graduate to Land a Great Job

Cover Letter Tips that Help a Recent Graduate to Land a Great Job

Cover Letter Tips for Students Your graduation celebrations are over, you feel well after it, and have already set your diploma somewhere above your desk. It’s high time you started looking for a job, but first, you need to learn how to apply for it. You might feel lost and frustrated not knowing where to go and what to do, but try to be more strategic and read the following cover letter tips 2018. Depending on the level of your formation, our cover letter tips for college students and cover letter tips for internships will help you to find a ...

The Most Important Job Skills to Acquire Before Finding a Job

The Most Important Job Skills to Acquire Before Finding a Job

The Most Important Skills to Learn for a Lucrative Job Summer is the best time to enlarge your mind by learning something new and acquire useful skills for both student life and the prospective career life. The advantages of learning new things are difficult to overestimate: you will feel more powerful, smart, productive, and above all, it will open new cultures and opportunities for you. Besides, learning something new will come in handy when it comes to your career. Research on what HR experts consider the most fundamental skills shows that ...

Summer Music Festivals That Revitalized Students' Minds

Summer Music Festivals That Revitalized Students' Minds

Eight Worthy Summer Festivals for Students Are you in your junior year? Or maybe you are in a senior one? (Well, waiting until then is optional). This is high time for you to start spending the last days of summer beneficially to get ready for your future. Luckily for the weather in the United States, student summer continues even when a new academic year starts. September often feels like summer. The question of what to do in the summer or at least during the Indian summer for college students has a definite answer: visit a music festival or a ...

 5 Tips on How to Spend Your Summer

5 Tips on How to Spend Your Summer

Summertime for Students Each student likes summer. They have passed all their exams and credits and, finally, can relax after a hard studying year. There are many various ways of how to spend your summer. First of all, you can stay at home, lie down on the bed, and, finally, do nothing. Another way is to go traveling with close friends, get acquainted with new people, do some sunbathing, play games on the beach, etc. However, these two variants do not fit everyone. That is why such questions as what to do in summer for college students and what to do ...

Top 8 Eligible Homework Excuses

Top 8 Eligible Homework Excuses

Top 8 Eligible Homework Excuses Homework is a sacred thing… Well, ok, no irony, we all understand that it’s of particular importance to professors, but not to students. Even if you usually diligently do your homework, most of the time you force yourself to even start. Enticing procrastination absorbs your precious time, offering you a variety of entertainment choices and even creative activities, but that’s not what you have to do in the first place. Homework is an integral part of your life if you completely resemble Hermione ...

Effective Ways of Detecting Plagiarism for Teachers

Effective Ways of Detecting Plagiarism for Teachers

Tips for Teachers in Detecting Plagiarism Deciphering plagiarism Teachers are constantly befuddled trying to detect plagiarism in students' works. Traditionally, a plagiarized text has some specific features that can help to detect stolen ideas. These may involve applying inconsistent writing styles throughout one paper, using peculiar repetitions, more eloquent words and refreshing thoughts than a particular student is capable of, etc. The presence of these features may indicate in what paper the author committed plagiarism. Afterwards, some special ...

Interesting Examples Regarding Plagiarism in Music

Interesting Examples Regarding Plagiarism in Music

Plagiarism in Music Have you ever heard about such a resource as Lost in Music? Westminster Law School decided to launch it on 3rd October 2017. Frankly speaking, this resource is considered to be with an open access and free of charge. The main reason for its development is the desire to help students, artists, professionals, or any other interested parties in understanding correctly music business law. It is important to mention that Lost in Music, in its launch phase, concentrates on demystifying various types of music plagiarism as well as ...

Citing Sources Is Critical in Academic Writing

Citing Sources Is Critical in Academic Writing

Citing Sources Is Critical in Academic Writing It is commonly believed that academic writing concerns only those people who are involved in science. In fact, it is connected not only with science, but also with education, and with creative activity as well. Academic plagiarism is the disclosure (partially or completely) of the scientific results obtained by others as the results of your own research or reproduction of published texts of other authors without a corresponding reference. There are different types of plagiarism, such as repatriation, ...

Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story

Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story

Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story Being public people, politicians always get involved in various scandals. For example, plagiarism in politics is considered a serious crime, because the unlawful taking the thoughts and ideas of other people should be punished by the law. Recently, the USA political area was impressed by the serious plagiarism issue, when it appeared that Betsy DeVos had a few plagiarized quotes in her Senate Questionnaire. Betsy DeVos is a well-known activist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, and, thus, she does not have any ...

15 Must See Websites for Students

15 Must See Websites for Students

Writing Essay Service: Why you need to choose us There are so many various educational websites for high school students, as well as for college students, on the Internet. Nevertheless, there appears one problem of not being able to decide correctly, which pieces of information are valuable and which aren’t. You are probably about to enter some college or maybe already studying. It means that you are constantly being short of time and don’t even try to devote it to surfing the Net in order to stumble upon several valuable websites. ...