Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story

Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story

Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story Being public people, politicians always get involved in various scandals. For example, plagiarism in politics is considered a serious crime, because the unlawful taking the thoughts and ideas of other people should be punished by the law. Recently, the USA political area was impressed by the serious plagiarism issue, when it appeared that Betsy DeVos had a few plagiarized quotes in her Senate Questionnaire. Betsy DeVos is a well-known activist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, and, thus, she does not have any ...

15 Must See Websites for Students

15 Must See Websites for Students

Writing Essay Service: Why you need to choose us There are so many various educational websites for high school students, as well as for college students, on the Internet. Nevertheless, there appears one problem of not being able to decide correctly, which pieces of information are valuable and which aren’t. You are probably about to enter some college or maybe already studying. It means that you are constantly being short of time and don’t even try to devote it to surfing the Net in order to stumble upon several valuable websites. ...

How To Have A Fantastic Essay With Minimal Spending

How To Have A Fantastic Essay With Minimal Spending

Writing Essay Service: Why you need to choose us Before actually turning to assistance with compiling an essay, let us tell you some words about our company. There is no room for doubt that among the stupendous amount of online writing services, you can also encounter some scammers. Our online writing service provides a real competitive edge not merely due to being cheap at twice price but especially due to a possibility to maintain a contact with the writer. Imagine how much you can speed up the writing process if the writer has an opportunity ...

15 Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Avoiding Plagiarism

15 Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Avoiding Plagiarism

A Few Interesting Tips Regarding Avoiding Plagiarism It’s no secret that a lot of students don’t know how to deal with accidental plagiarism and avoid it. Nevertheless, we have prepared the best pieces of advice on avoiding plagiarism. Bear in mind that you should always cite the sources you use in your work. While drawing upon someone else’s work or ideas, it is of a great importance to make sure you have added an appropriate citation. Take into consideration your style guide. Remember referencing guidelines that are ...

What Is Self Plagiarism and Why You Need to Avoid it

What Is Self Plagiarism and Why You Need to Avoid it

Unlike ordinary plagiarism, self plagiarism is a term that not many people are familiar with. Still, it should not be taken any less seriously. In its nature, self plagiarism is not different from the general type, the only difference is that you use not someone else’s words or ideas but your own. To many students the idea of self plagiarism is foreign, and they argue that it’s not plagiarism at all because the sources that they use were produced by themselves and hence are not stolen from anyone. Nevertheless, the definition of plagiarism ...

Terms related to plagiarism

Terms related to plagiarism

There are a number of terms associated with plagiarism. If you want to understand plagiarism in depth then it is a necessity that you are familiar with each of these terms. will help you know the meaning of each of these terms so that you are never accidentally trapped into a plagiarism issue despite you having no intention for it. Given below is the plagiarism terminology:AttributionThe part of the text where you mention the sources of the information in the text. BibliographyIt is a list written in alphabetical order giving the ...

Plagiarism - a cyber crime

Plagiarism - a cyber crime

It is extremely important for teachers and professors to be aware of plagiarism as nowadays it has become the habit of students to present essays, term papers, research papers, theses and dissertations that are copied from any of the various sources on the Internet. The following measures must be taken to check plagiarism: Each of the essays or term papers that are received must have some specific characteristic and it should not have been copied blindly. There must be a discussion or an analysis presented at the end of the term ...

Main types of plagiarism

Main types of plagiarism

Students are required to conduct research for the papers that they are supposed to write. This research involves going through various sources of information including previous journals and papers only for the purpose of understanding the topic and then writing it in one’s own words. Plagiarising on the other hand is something totally different as it is just blatantly copying another person’s words. The problem nowadays lies with what constitutes research and what constitutes plagiarising. There is a very thin line between the two. A few ...

Plagiarism facts

Plagiarism facts

According to the Webster’s English Dictionary, the definition of plagiarism is given as taking ideas from someone else and then claiming them to be your own. With such an apt definition one can easily make out that plagiarism is not a good thing to do!! But still there are many forms of plagiarism that are prevalent on the internet. One of these forms of plagiarism is called cyber-cheating. This is defined as copying any textual material from the internet and then claiming it to be your own. This also comes into play when the source of the text ...

Modern plagiarism

Modern plagiarism

plagiarism, what is it? Plagiarising is nothing but copying or stealing of another author’s thoughts and ideas from his or her work with the intention of passing them off as one’s own without giving any credit to the original author at all. It is an extremely dishonest, bad and immoral practice because it involves stealing from another person what the person has created with so much effort because of his or her original thoughts and ideas. It is so bad because in it also means kidnapping. What a person is doing here is that he or she is ...